O kursie
„Perfekcyjna technika wykonywania ćwiczeń siłowych jest niezbędna, aby trenować długo, bez bólowo i bez kontuzyjnie.”
Ćwiczenia siłowe są niezbędną częścią każdego treningu. Dzięki nim wzmacniamy nasze kości, stawy, więzadła. Zabezpieczamy ciało przed kontuzjami.
Znasz to, prawda?
Zgadzam się z tym, ale… tylko jeśli wykonujemy te ćwiczenia siłowe poprawnie technicznie. Możesz tak samo wzmocnić swoje ciało i zdrowie za pomocą treningu siłowego, jak i je uszkodzić albo osłabić.
„Perfekcyjna technika wykonywania ćwiczeń siłowych jest niezbędna, aby trenować długo, bez bólowo i bez kontuzyjnie”
Co otrzymujesz w Atlasie ćwiczeń siłowych?
– 396 filmów z ćwiczeniami omówionymi oraz wykonanymi z perfekcyjną techniką. Ćwiczenia są podzielone na foldery pod nazwami grup mięśniowych.
Oto zbiór folderów: POCZĄTEK, barki, biceps, biodrowo-lędźwiowy, brzuch, czworogłowy, klatka piersiowa, kulszowo-goleniowe, lokomocyjne, łydki, mięśnie karku, oddychanie, piszczelowy przedni, stopa, plecy, pośladki, przedramiona, przywodziciele, stożek rotatorów, triceps, zębaty przedni, integracja ruchowa, banded.
– Dostęp do wszystkich filmów.
Filmy są zawarte w kursie, więc może je zobaczyć tylko osoba, która zakupiła kurs.
– Arkusz excel zawierający wzór do ułożenia własnego planu treningowego.
Zacznij prawidłowo trenować, naucz się raz techniki i ćwicz do końca życia- bez bólu i kontuzji.
Zawartość kursu
02:42 -
01:21 -
Breathing On All Fours
01:08 -
Breathing With Yoga Belt
00:45 -
Side Breathing
01:17 -
Standing Breathing To Back
Klatka piersiowa
Flat Flies
00:55 -
High Cable Chest Fly
00:52 -
Hip Thrust Chest Press
00:50 -
Hip Thrust Flat Flies
00:59 -
Incline Barbell Bench Press
00:55 -
Incline Flat Flies
00:48 -
Incline Push Up
00:35 -
Kneeling Low Cable Chest Fly
00:48 -
Machine Flat Flies
00:45 -
Machine Sitting Chest Press
01:02 -
Medium Cable Chest Fly
00:51 -
Narrow Db Press
00:45 -
Pull Over
00:46 -
Push Up On Knee
00:36 -
Push Up
00:42 -
Db Floor Press
00:52 -
Larsen press
00:38 -
Pelican push up
00:35 -
1 Leg Push Up
00:35 -
Bench Press
01:34 -
Cable Flat Flies
00:53 -
Db Chest Press In Glute Bridge
00:50 -
Db Chest Press
00:44 -
Dead Bug 1 Arm Press
00:56 -
Decline Barbell Bench Press
01:01 -
Decline Push Up
00:43 -
00:39 -
Db Incline Chest Press
1 Arm Row On The Bench
00:47 -
1 Arm Row, 2 Arm On Bench – Bear
00:44 -
1 Arm Row, 2 Arm On The Db
00:39 -
1 Arm Scapula Push Up
00:36 -
1 Arm Support, 1 Arm Row
00:54 -
1 Arm, 1 Leg Cable Row
00:54 -
2 Kb Row From Step
00:39 -
Band Pull Apart
00:34 -
Banded Scapula Depression
00:45 -
Banded Scapula Elevation
00:47 -
Banded Scapula Protraction
00:50 -
Banded Scapula Retraction
00:44 -
Barbell Deadlift
01:24 -
Barbell Row
00:43 -
Barbell Semi Sumo Deadlift
01:07 -
Barbell Sumo Deadlift
01:26 -
Bent Knee Horizontal Row
00:39 -
Bird Dog Row
00:49 -
Chest Supported Db Press With External Rotation
00:42 -
Chest Supported Db Row
00:55 -
Chin Up
00:34 -
Db Bent Over Row
00:36 -
Face Pull
00:51 -
Jefferson Curl
00:47 -
Kb Gorilla Row
00:40 -
Trap T Raise
00:50 -
Trap Y Raise
00:56 -
Kb Deadlift
00:54 -
Kneeling Cable Pulldown
00:48 -
Kneeling Cable Rope Pulldown Behind Head
01:00 -
L Sit Chin Up
00:21 -
Lying Down Scapula Raise
00:40 -
Lying Down T Raise
00:41 -
Lying Down Y Raise
00:43 -
Machine Face Pull
00:57 -
Triangle Lat Pulldown
00:58 -
TRX Face Pull
00:46 -
00:45 -
Scapula Pull Up
00:51 -
Scapula Push Up On Bear
00:39 -
Scapula Push Up On Knee
00:43 -
Scapula Push Up
00:41 -
Sitting Lat Pull To Chest
00:53 -
Sitting Lat Pull Behind Head
00:52 -
Stick Lat Pulldown (Skier)
01:09 -
Straight Legs Horizontal Row
00:31 -
Supinated Barbell Row
00:43 -
Supinated Sitting Lat Pull To Chest
00:52 -
T Bar Rowing
00:35 -
Triangle Cable Seated Low Row
00:58 -
Barbell Scapula Elevation (Shrugs)
00:29 -
Barbell Snatch Grip Deadlift
01:14 -
Trap Bar Deadlift
00:46 -
Pull Up
00:41 -
Plank Rowing
00:30 -
Rack Pull
01:00 -
Pendley Row
00:39 -
Paused Deadlift
01:27 -
Neutral grip pull up
00:46 -
Negativ Chin Up
00:56 -
Scapula Push Up (front-back barbell)
01:09 -
Scapula Push Up (up-down bear)
01:13 -
Scapula Push Up (up-down barbell)
01:17 -
Scapula Push Up (front-back bear)
01:06 -
Banded skier
01:29 -
Rounded back row
00:45 -
Chest supported db swing row
00:36 -
1 arm quasi stance row
00:49 -
1 arm bent trunk row
00:51 -
Standing candlestick
01:03 -
Arch body rock
00:35 -
Arch body
Back Supported Neutral Grip Db Overhead Press
00:30 -
Arnold Press
00:48 -
Arm Support 1 Arm Lateral Db Press
00:40 -
2 Arm Cable Lateral Raises
00:48 -
1 Arm Cable Lateral Raise
00:53 -
1 Leg Kneeling, 1 Arm Kb Press
00:29 -
1 Arm Landine Press
00:26 -
Chest Supported Rear Delt Db Raise
00:27 -
Lu Raise
00:48 -
Cable Rear Delt Fly
01:21 -
Bradford Press
00:44 -
Bent Press
00:27 -
Leg Supported Db External Rotation
00:27 -
L Press
00:26 -
Pike Push Up
00:37 -
Dead Point OHP
00:53 -
Db Shoulder Box
00:32 -
Barbell Upright Row
00:24 -
Z Press
00:23 -
Standing Rear Delt Db Raise
00:31 -
Standing Neutral Grip Db Overhead Press
00:23 -
Standing Db Lateral Raises
00:26 -
Sitting OHP
00:41 -
Sitting Db Overhead Press
00:26 -
Sitting Db Rear Delt Raise
00:36 -
Sitting Db Lateral Raise
00:28 -
Sideways Incline Db Lateral Raise
00:26 -
Shoulder Face Pull
00:43 -
00:48 -
Powell Raise
00:36 -
Kb Push Press
00:52 -
Push Press
00:57 -
Standing Db Front Raises
00:28 -
Banded Internal Rotation
00:53 -
Floor pike push up
00:24 -
Handstand front to wall
Stożek rotatorów
Banded Face Pull With Rotation
00:54 -
Banded 1 Arm External Rotation
00:36 -
Banded External Rotation (No Money)
00:22 -
Cuban Press
00:33 -
Chest Supported Cuban Press
00:25 -
Rotation Cuff 1-10
00:39 -
Kb Screwdriver
00:34 -
Kb Bottom Up Screwdriver
00:37 -
Face Pull With Rotation
Zombie Sit Up With Plate
00:31 -
Wood Chop
00:55 -
TRX Straight Leg Pull
00:29 -
TRX Knee Pull
00:35 -
Swiss Ball Plank
00:27 -
TRX Anti Extension
00:45 -
Swiss Ball Plank Wheels (Stir The Pot)
00:25 -
Swiss Ball Plank Extension
00:26 -
Swiss Ball Knee Tuck
00:26 -
Sitting Bench Crunch
00:33 -
Side Plank
00:41 -
Side Plank On Knee
00:34 -
Russian Twist
00:25 -
00:34 -
Pall Of Press
00:58 -
Pall Of Press With Arm Raises
00:57 -
Landmine Rotations
00:44 -
Janda Sit Up
00:55 -
Hollow Body
00:34 -
Hanging Straight Leg Raise
00:27 -
Hanging Knee Raises
00:38 -
Dragon Flag
00:39 -
Dead Bug
00:46 -
Dead Bug With Ball
00:50 -
Db Side Bend
00:42 -
Db Pullover Crunch
00:43 -
Box L Sit
00:25 -
Bird Dog
00:51 -
Banded Dead Bug
00:57 -
Banded Anti Rotation Dead Bug
00:56 -
Cable Crunch (Allahy)
00:52 -
Ab Crunch With Plate
00:37 -
1 Arm Farmer Hold
00:38 -
Bear Walk
00:37 -
00:34 -
Swiss Ball Crunches
00:38 -
Lying Down Arm To Toes Raises
00:33 -
Lying Down Scissors
00:50 -
Lying Down Straight Legs Raise
00:38 -
Lying Down Straight To Bent Legs Raise
00:32 -
AB Roll
00:41 -
Kb Bottom Up Turkish Get Up
01:44 -
Shifting Kb In Push Up
00:28 -
Dead Bug (Basket)
01:13 -
Banded dead bug (Extended)
01:28 -
Weighten lateral bend
00:38 -
Up-down kneeling cable wood chopper
00:54 -
Roman bench lateral bent
00:34 -
Down-up kneeling cable wood chopper
00:45 -
Beggining abs curl with breath out
Cable Hammer Curl
00:52 -
Db Hammer Curl
00:34 -
Superman Curl
00:44 -
EZ Bar Preacher Curl
01:07 -
Long Head Biceps Curl
00:29 -
Alternating Db Curl
00:26 -
Lying Down Stick Cable Curl
00:46 -
Sitting Db Curl
00:33 -
Bayesian Curl
00:48 -
Zottman curl
00:33 -
Barbell Curl
00:30 -
Supinated Stick Cable Curl
00:46 -
Supinated Barbell Curl
00:29 -
Sitting Leg Supported Db Curl
00:26 -
Db Curl With Supination
00:31 -
Spider Curl
00:26 -
Incline T curl
00:47 -
Supinated horizontal biceps curl
00:18 -
Supinated grip push up
00:18 -
Narrow grip chin up
1 Arm Sitting French press
00:30 -
Barbell Lying Down French Press
00:32 -
Barbell Sitting French press
00:29 -
Close Grip Bench Press
01:07 -
Db Lying Down French Press
00:27 -
Diamond Push Up
00:26 -
Elbow Extension In Plank Position
00:21 -
JM Press
00:27 -
Overhead Cable Triceps Extension
00:54 -
Overhead Db Triceps Extension
00:31 -
Sitting Behind Head Cable Elbow Extension
00:52 -
Stick Cable Pressdown
00:55 -
Supinated Stick Cable Pressdown
00:48 -
Tate Press
00:29 -
Triceps Rope Pulldown
00:41 -
Db Bent Over Triceps Extension With External Rotation
00:40 -
Db Bent Over Triceps Extension With Internal Rotation
00:38 -
Triceps Dips
Roman bench weighten torso extension
00:36 -
Reverse Hinge Lunges
00:42 -
Diagonally reverse Hinge Lunges
00:44 -
Db good morning
00:46 -
Barbell good morning
01:01 -
1 leg box squat air
00:52 -
1 Leg 1 Arm Kb Deadlift
00:28 -
1 Leg Glute Bridge
00:43 -
1 Leg Hip Thrust
00:49 -
1 Leg Kb Deadlift
00:50 -
Banded Glute Bridge With Abduction
00:38 -
Barbell Hip Thrust
01:17 -
Cable Glute Kickbacks
00:55 -
Cable Glute Lateral Kicks
00:46 -
Cable Pull Through
00:56 -
Walk of shame
00:49 -
Kb Hip Thrust
00:53 -
Kb Sumo Squat
00:32 -
Lying Down 1 Leg Glute Raise
00:45 -
Lying Down Glute Raise
00:49 -
Machine Hip Abduction
00:42 -
Mini Band On All Fours Glute Kickback
00:28 -
Mini Band On All Fours Glute Side Kick
00:25 -
Mini Band Standing Glute Kickback
00:37 -
Mini Band Standing Glute Side Kick
00:37 -
Roman Bench Back Extension
01:01 -
Side Plank With Hip Abduction
00:33 -
Barbell Glute Bridge
00:52 -
Diagonally 1 Leg Deadlift
00:44 -
Reverse Hypers
00:39 -
Frog Glute Bridge
00:50 -
Wall ball glute crusher
00:51 -
Mini Band Monster Walk
00:47 -
Kb Sumo Squat On Box
00:47 -
Kneeling Squat
00:44 -
Double Banded Glute Bridge (Extended)
02:02 -
Banded Glute Bridge (Extended)
01:29 -
Banded Glute Bridge (Basket)
Frankenstein Squat
00:47 -
Db Split Squat
01:41 -
Db Front Lunges
00:29 -
Db Bulgarian Split Squat
00:34 -
Cyclist Squat
01:01 -
Box Step Up
00:39 -
Box Lateral Step Up
00:37 -
Barbell Reverse Lunges
00:39 -
Barbell 1 + 1/3 HB Squat
01:09 -
1 Leg Box Squat
00:33 -
Kb Rack Hold Squat
00:27 -
Front Squat
00:48 -
Heel Elevated HB Squat
00:52 -
High Bar Squat
01:06 -
Peterson Step Up
00:27 -
Kb Goblet Squat
00:33 -
Landmine Squat
00:32 -
Low Bar Squat
01:00 -
Machine Knee Extension
01:03 -
Machine Leg Press
00:38 -
Over Head Squat
00:33 -
Rack Hold Kb Reverse Lunges
00:31 -
Reverse Nordic Curl
00:30 -
Zercher Squat
00:47 -
Poliquin Step Up
00:29 -
1 Leg Squat (Standing On The Steppe)
00:33 -
Barbell split squat
00:46 -
Skater Squat
00:27 -
1 Leg Reverse Lunges Slide
00:38 -
Db Reverse Lunges
00:29 -
Banded reverse nordic curl
Kulszowo- goleniowe
1 Leg Banded Hamstring Curl
00:33 -
1 Leg Kb Quasi Stance Deadlift
00:47 -
Barbell 1 Leg Deadlift
00:29 -
Barbell Romanian Deadlift
00:31 -
Sitting good morning
00:49 -
Hamstring Plank
00:33 -
Kb Romanian Deadlift
00:34 -
Machine Sitting Leg Curl
01:06 -
Nordic Curl
00:36 -
Straight Leg Barbell Deadlift
00:37 -
Kb Swing
00:33 -
Swiss Ball 1 Leg Curl
00:33 -
Swiss Ball Legs Curl
00:34 -
Towel Legs Curl
00:50 -
TRX 1 Leg Curl
00:32 -
TRX Legs Curl
00:41 -
01:24 -
Nordic Curl Good Morning
00:42 -
Good morning
01:01 -
Db good morning
Bent Knee Copenhagen Plank
00:31 -
Bent Knee Copenhagen Press
00:29 -
Cossaq Squat
00:35 -
Db Lateral Lunges
00:49 -
Machine Adduction
00:49 -
Sideways Adduction
00:20 -
TRX Cossaq Squat
00:48 -
1 Leg Lateral Slide
00:33 -
Copenhagen Plank
00:26 -
Copenhagen Raises
00:33 -
Barbell cossaq squat
Donkey Calf Raises
00:50 -
Sitting Calf Raises
00:42 -
Standing Calf Raises
00:55 -
Standing Kb 1 Leg Calf Raises
00:44 -
Standing Machine Calf Raises
Zębaty przedni
Banded Scapula Protraction
00:50 -
Scapula Push Up On Bear
00:38 -
Scapula Push Up On Knee
00:43 -
Scapula Push Up
Piszczelowy przedni
Banded Tibialis Anterior Press
00:40 -
Kb Tibialis Anterior Press
00:37 -
Wall Supported Tibialis Anterior Raises
Side Plank On Head
00:39 -
Reverse Plank On Head
00:35 -
Standing Banded Head Plank
00:52 -
Standing Banded Head Retraction
00:42 -
Standing Banded Head Reverse Plank
00:46 -
Standing Banded Head Side Plank
00:48 -
Plank On Head
Kneeling Psoas Raises
00:38 -
Mb Psoas Walking
Rewinding The Line
00:41 -
Db Wrist Flexes
00:40 -
Db Wrist Extensions
How to foot work
01:48 -
Quasi squat foot integration raises
00:49 -
Quasi squat postion foot integration
00:27 -
Split position foot integration
00:43 -
Kb 1leg Tornado
00:28 -
Mb Foot Pronation
00:41 -
Mb Foot Supination
00:41 -
Standing foot integration raises
1 Arm Farmer Walk
00:39 -
1 Arm Overhead Farmer Walk With 2 Db
00:41 -
1 Arm Overhead Press, 1 Arm Suitcase Hold
00:28 -
2 Arm Db Farmer Walk
00:34 -
2 Kb Rack Farmer Walk
00:40 -
Tornado Kb Farmer Walk
00:42 -
Kb Overhead Farmer Walk
Crossed banded squat
00:28 -
Crossed banded split squat
00:38 -
Crossed banded bulgarian split squat
00:34 -
Banded triceps pressdown
00:31 -
Banded standing Y raise
00:32 -
Banded standing triceps extension behind head
00:30 -
Banded standing fly flies
00:32 -
Banded single arm superman biceps curl
00:33 -
Banded push up
00:31 -
Banded OHP
00:37 -
Banded neutral grip biceps curl
00:25 -
Banded floor press
00:32 -
Banded bent trunk triceps extension
00:30 -
Banded bent elbow lateral raises
00:23 -
Banded 1 arm long head biceps curl
00:27 -
Banded 1 arm lateral raises
Integracja ruchowa
Banded 1 leg dl with row
00:48 -
Lunges with rotation
Linki do YT
00:00 -
Plan treningowy